Hear from City officials about the City’s commitment to the continued advancement of equity for residents of the City of Dallas.
Join the City of Dallas for the release of the 2023 Equity Indicators Report, a collaboration between the City of Dallas and Every Texan. The Equity Indicators report is intended to be used as a comprehensive tool that will support Dallas in understanding and measuring the disparities across various communities.
On Thursday, January 9, 2025, attendees will hear from City officials and anchor institutions with a shared commitment to the continued advancement of equity for the residents of the City of Dallas. The event will close with attendees engaging in an informal discussion of report highlights.
The Equity Indicators Report will be accessible on the Office of Equity and Inclusion’s website.
For more information or if requesting special accomodations for this event, please email Equity@dallas.gov or call 214-670-7311.